Something New at the 2012 SD Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony - Click to view video courtesy of South Dakota Public Broadcasting

"Something New" performed in the Salem City Park when the Tour de Kota bicycle riders rode into town to spend the night, June 7, 2010. (Compliments of The Salem Special)
Something News
Plan to attend Something New's farewell concert in Hartford, SD, on Sunday, August 27, 2023!
Current Something New bassist, Mark Kimmel, became a three-time inductee into the SD Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on April 12, 2014, when Showcase was honored. Kimmel performed with this group in 1974.
Thank you to everyone who attended the April 21, 2012, South Dakota Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony activities and concert at the Sioux Falls Ramkota Convention Center. What a quality production! Thanks to Don Fritz, Rick Knobe, Doug Lund, and all the other board members and helpers who made the day and evening so enjoyable. Something New fans are outstanding! Be sure to check out the website listed below.

"Something New" performed in the Salem City Park when the Tour de Kota bicycle riders rode into town to spend the night, June 7, 2010. (Compliments of The Salem Special)